The original plan was to visit Canada to spend time with David, Shyanne & Isaiah since they couldn't come to Mexico at Christmas time. I was also going to help Mom sort and discard throughout her house, particularly the basement. There was a lot to get rid of in preparation for them considering a move from their home in Parkland.
Well things progressed beyond the 'preparation' stage when Eldon received a good health report, so they started to look at condos. Within just a few days they put in an offer on a beautiful 3rd floor corner condo in the Bonavista area. Their own house sold in 36 hours! At that point, Brian and I rented a U-Haul and took some items to Jennifer from our basement, and the piano from Mom's house. I returned to Calgary 10 days later to oversee the moving process. By the time I left another 10 days after that, they were completely settled.
It was a very busy, and productive trip, but time with family is always a reward. As well as helping Mom & Eldon, and visiting other family and friends, we enjoyed lots of activities with David, Heather, Jennifer and their families.
Playing at Parks
Swinging on Swings
Riding Bikes and Wagons

Story Time
Boys will be Boys
What is it with boys and sticks?
Visiting Nannie M and Papa
My Mom has two traditions that the grandchildren have grown up with when visiting her house. The first is her crystal candy dish that has an endless supply of treats. Isaiah is following in his father's footsteps by 'discovering' the dish. The second tradition involves a special lamp. It is the coal oil lamp that was used at the farm when Mom was a girl. Whenever the grandchildren slept overnight, she would light the lamp and let them blow it out. Now the tradition carries on with great grandchildren when they sleep over.
Isaiah was also helpful on his visits
Picnics & Hikes
One of the best things about summer time is going on picnics. We spent an afternoon at Sandy Beach Park along the Elbow River (before the terrible flooding of last week).
While we were in Utah we hiked up to Timpanogos Caves with Jennifer, Jared & Gavin and our friends Sue & Dave Alexander. Since Brian and Dave are both geologists we posed beside the big rock.
Other Outings
Heritage Park with David, Shyanne, Isaiah, Heather & Ryan
Isaiah got stuck in the maze while Ryan tackled his dessert.
Calgary Zoo with David & Isaiah
Pool & Splash Pad with Gavin
Point of the Mountain Farm with Edgels
Some day Brian might get arrested for sleeping on a park bench, but this day he was only harassed by Gavin who didn't think this was such a good idea.
Happy Birthday
We celebrated 6 family birthdays in 4 weeks!
Unfortunately we didn't get photos of Mom, David or Shyanne, but we did celebrate!
Just Chillin'
Believe it or not with all of these activities we did find time to relax.
Winding down before bed
It's not time to sleep yet!
Monte Monte Monte Caballo of course
Jennifer & Gavin both enjoy the new piano
Watching a movie with Gavin
David's family
A New Home
The last week was spent moving Mom & Eldon into their new home. It is a beautiful place with many amenities and it was a good feeling to leave them completely settled.