About Us

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We enjoy to travel, to explore new & interesting places together. While traveling, Pam enjoys to practice her photography skills while Brian reviews the history. We also both enjoy learning about our family histories (and related travel when possible). And most of all we enjoy time with each other, friends and family.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


August 25-September 12

We always love our time in Calgary with lots of family and friends, but a highlight of this trip was Brian meeting our youngest grandson for the first time.  Ryan was born April 12th and I was there for the event but he has obviously changed a lot in the past 5 months.

Bet you can't do this one

David's son Isaiah, age 19 months, had a huge hug for his little cousin when he saw him.  Ryan is seated on my sister's lap.   

Both boys enjoyed the traditional "Monte Monte Caballo" rides with Grandpa Ducky.  Ryan seemed to be studying his cousin's technique before venturing on to the activity himself, but he wasn't ready for the flips yet.  

We also enjoyed taking Isaiah to the parks....

and walks with Ryan...

A major project of this visit was to prepare our house for sale next spring.  Heather & Trevor have moved into our home that has been rented for the past 10 years, and will do some renovations and upgrades in preparation for the sale.  This means that we had to clean out the garage and storage room in the basement.  We rented a dumpster and were pretty ruthless in chucking a lifetime of 'stuff'.  

The girls divided up some of their Grandma's crystal with Heather displaying the pieces and Allison & Jennifer making decisions via Skype.  

David wanted the canning supplies from the days when I used to preserve dozens of quarts of fruit, so he inherited the canner, along with many jars and lids.  We bought a couple of cases of peaches and I taught him the process.  Unfortunately we were so busy working that we forgot to photograph the event.  I was going to have him send me a picture of him eating the fruit, but learned that he had eaten all of it in only a few weeks!  He always has loved fruit - fresh or preserved.  We also made strawberry jam together.   

Another special event of our visit was that Brian was able to give Ryan his baby blessing.  He wore a knit outfit that his daddy had worn as a baby.  

Our time in Calgary was very busy.  We had to make decisions about the house projects with Trevor, visited showhomes before choosing the upgrade materials (carpet, tile, hardwood floor stain, light fixtures, countertop and backsplash, etc), and met with realtors.  We had a sleepover with Isaiah one night and went swimming with Ryan one morning.  We met Forsters for lunch and Waltons for dinner.  One evening we got together with friends from Saudi who also have family in Calgary.  Archers dropped by our house for a visit another evening, and we enjoyed a visit at Humphreys and a walk with Carol by the reservoir.  We participated in a food bank drive that Heather & Trevor were in charge of for Evergreen ward, including a pancake breakfast where we saw many old friends.  No trip to Calgary would be complete without family dinners, and I went on a picnic with Mom & Eldon.  Last April Heather's mother-in-law had asked me to research her family tree in PEI.  I had found a lot of information, and it was fun to share that with her.  

Gene & Cathy, Michelle, Pam & Brian

Picnice with Mom, Eldon & Ryan

Walk with Carol

Genealogy with Peggy

1 comment:

  1. You make me tired just reading about everything you did while there. You probably had to go home just to take a break.
